I switched apartments in April and my apartment has been kinda blah ever since, especially in my bedroom. I have a blue and white Hawaiian flower Roxy bedspread for about a year. This is what I have minus the orange pillows and Roxy print sheets.

I bought it before I moved into my first apartment, and as cute as it is, it doesn’t really match the rest of my apartment. Today I was checking Bed Bath & Beyond and found a CUTE Roxy bedspread that would TOTALLY match my brown and blue green theme in my apartment.
Problem is I only want the bedspread and the pillow covers. I don’t need the sheets and other junk that comes with it. At BB&B, it is a whole set for $300. That is way too much for a bedset! Especially when I need to pay for my car annual tags and get new tires. Boo! I guess I have to hold out and wait for the set to show up on Ebay. For now I can just say “I wannnnt it" until I got to BB&B and see it in person and then not like it. That is usually how I work. Haha!

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