For those music lovers of the 60’s through the 2000’s, you may have not heard of the March Music Madness on 94.9 FM in San Diego (I listen on the internet here in Phoenix.) They are doing a battle of the bands by 60/70’s, 80’s, 90’s & 2000’s. Each band goes through rounds of songs played live on the radio and listeners are allowed to vote for their favorite band. The winner then goes up against another band in their category and so on and so forth.

Currently, the Beatles are up against the Rolling Stones for two hours. How can you choose? I can’t! I love the Beatles and know almost every single song. I even name my dog Abbey Road. But the Rolling Stones remind me of my father and going down to the beach in California and watch surfers.
Check out the brackets for each category at and see how your favorites did. Listen live and catch up on some great music! I have been rocking out at work! It makes the day so much better!!
60/70’s – Beatles vs Rolling Stones (pending outcome)
80’s – The Cure vs
U2 (winner)
90’s - Nirvana vs Pearl Jam (pending outcome)
00’s – Radiohead vs The White Stripes (pending outcome)
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